Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Crazy Susan Chronicles resume....

The woman we bought our property from, "Susan", (the same one who picked up a just released from prison rapist on her way to our closing of the property) is back!

Out of nowhere Deb began receiving a barrage of voice mail messages asking her to call Susan back asap.  Before Deb could respond we get a "Earnest Money Release Form" relayed from Susan by our title broker. This is for the second property we were intending to purchase from her when we bought the one we own now.

Craziness has no boundaries....
 Scribbled and crossed out in places, it looked more like a coloring book for the autistic than a legal document. 

In the form Susan directed our earnest money funds to be liquidated to herself,  pending Deb's signature.  I fired an email to the broker on Deb's behalf instructing the broker not to liquidate the funds and informing her that the seller had mispresented the property ( she told us we could build on the existing basement but in fact, we could not per the landowners association.) 

In the meantime Deb is getting more voice mail messages; some are saying that we took some of her stuff and that she was going to "shake us off her feet like dust".

Deb and I figured she must have a new buyer for the property and in order to close had to release us from the contract before she could sell, hence the release form.

We chose not to respond, just wait her out to see what would happen, hoping she would back down from wanting all the earnest money under the pressure of her impending sale.   Then we received another email from the broker, with the same form attached, only scribbled through more than ever, stating the money was to be returned to us!

Of course this is great news - we had calculated our best efforts would probably only get us about half of our money but the new sale pressure must have made her desperate to get our release.

The broker is sending us a check in a few days and all seemed great until we do the new sale she has to be back in town!!!  She usually lives under some sort of assumed identity in another state - all very secretive.

Now we are worried about her doing something crazy like breaking into our house. ..

We asked Mike to cruise out there and secure the doors and such.  Haven't heard back from him yet....

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