Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lets Meet Katie

Mike had a great idea on introducing himself and I got to thinking that maybe people don't know my biological kids yet so here we go...

Let's meet Katie (a.k.a. Princess)

Every one has someone in the family who is able to keep the peace and in general a sibling that everyone seems to like and get along with. This would be Katie. Katie is the other female of the Alexander Clan and she is a formidable foe. Dave is frightened of her and with good reason. Katie is an artistic old soul which means she can out think us and is always blending in to the background until the creative spirit moves her and she breaks out into song or dance (see pic)

Katie will be a junior this year at St Marys and is the Barbie to Andrew's Ken. She has perfect wavy hair and is always color coordinated. More pics to come.

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