Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lake Lafayette Water System Funding Source

Release No. STELPRD4006747

Contact Jane Edwards (660) 885-5567 Extension 5


Lake Lafayette, MO, Feb 23, 2010 --

In a groundbreaking ceremony on February 23, 2010, USDA Rural Development announced the award of $473,600 to the City of Lake Lafayette. The assistance is in the form of $393,000 loan and $80,600 grant from USDA Rural Development along with $500,000 from a State of Missouri Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and $168,000 Grant from Missouri Department of Natural Resources. The funds will be used to provide a new central water system to approximately 120 residents of this rural Missouri community who will be served with the completion of the new system. The City of Lake Lafayette does not currently have a central water system and residents are forced to haul their water to cisterns.

“It is critical that we invest in infrastructure to meet the needs of our rural communities. This funding will ensure the residents of the City of Lake Lafayette have a clean and reliable water supply and I commend the USDA and local leadership for making this important project a reality,” said U.S. Senator Kit Bond.

“Having access to clean water is something no Missouri family should have to think about in their everyday life,” said U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill. “These federal funds will help the City of Lake Lafayette provide a new central water system and better deliver clean water to its citizens.”

“Clean water is a vital resource for every American,” stated U.S. Representative Ike Skelton. “Unfortunately, many rural communities cannot afford the complex systems used to supply potable water to America’s cities. That’s why I am pleased to support the USDA’s Rural Development grant and loan for Lake Lafayette’s new central water system. This assistance will not only allow the development project to move forward but will also improve the lives of Lake Lafayette’s citizens for years to come.”

“This is a great partnership effort when everyone works together for a common goal of meeting the needs of a community in providing an environmentally safe water system,” said Anita J. (Janie) Dunning, USDA Rural Development State Director. “In providing loan and grant funds to help complete the new central water system, this project mirrors USDA Rural Development’s mission of being committed to the future of rural communities. I want to personally thank everyone that has worked together to make this project a reality. I am pleased that so many rural households will benefit from an adequate and dependable central water system. Special thanks are extended to our federal elected officials for making available the federal funds for these kinds of projects.”
Anyone seeking more information about the water and wastewater programs or any other USDA Rural Development programs may visit the homepage at http://www.rurdev.gov/mo or by contacting the Clinton Area Office at 1306 North 2nd Street, Clinton, MO 64735 or by calling (660) 885-5567- ext 5.
“USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.” To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

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