Sunday, June 27, 2010

Property Abstract

What we know:

Two properties, one lot 155, plat A Lafayette subdivision additon, approx .33 acres has waterfront access down a steep slope, a dock and a double wide manufactured home built in 1976 and a double car garage built in 2004.

The property has been vacant from between 3 to 6 years. Subject to frequent break-ins where nothing of value has been taken or windows/doors destroyed, the property also has damage by rodents; raccoons and the like, who have entered from the roof or sides and torn up ceiling and insulation.

The dock, sagging with one corner noticeably lower than the others, appears in decent shape and may be salvageable.

Utilites are present; land line telephone and electricity are to the property. Heat has been soley provided by a large freestanding fireplace who's flue has been partially dismantled or disconnected in the attic.

Sewer is probably connected to septic system which was known to be working at last occupancy. Water comes from an open cistern which also was known to be working previously. The cistern is currently open to the elements, has a submersible pump and pipe which continues on thorugh the garage where a pump is stb present to supply water pressure to the home.

Electrical service panel is missing most breakers and was in the process of being trnsferred to a new 200 amp service in the garage when property abandoned. Neither are likely ready to accept connection from utility power.

General condition of home interior is abysmal. Torn and stained ceiling tiles revealing shredded and soiled insulation. Wall paneling appears by and large intact exceptions being where cabinets and sections have been removed to reveal plumbing. Floor is bare wood sub floor plywood, generally in good condition but stained with urine and feces from rodents. "There is a soft area somewhere in the back" has yet to be discovered. Will need to decide if flooring in good enought condition to merit labor of being cleaned or if just easier to replace. Attic and crawl space inspections will need to be done to determine if joists and beams need to be replaced.

Plumbing is said to be mostly intact but bare copper pipes in prospective kitchen area suggest all plumbing needs to be inspected and tested.

The home has an original tin metal roof which in turn is covered by a traditional asphault shingle roof. Need to determin if shingles have been placed directly on top of the tin metal or if an added pitched roof has been framed in above and then shingled. Roof appears to be poorly if not shoddily constructed and may need to be completely redone.

Overall impression is property appears in good structual condition suitable for intended purpose but may require complete gutting of interior celing and flooring, roof inspection and possible replacement and it's septic system inspected by a licensed professional.

Things we need to know:

1) Water - when, where and how much? Do we need to install temp water system?

2) Condition of septic.

3) Electrical Service - construction stub at first, then inspection and completion of service transfer to new fuse panel.

4) Garbage removal - what is the burn code? How much for dumpster? What are tilt fees?

5) What permits do we need from city? Landowners?

6) Homeowner association by-laws.

Second Property, also in Plat A of Lafayette subdivision addition, has a gentler slope to the water, more access to the shore and the remmnants of a concrete boat ramp. The ramp may belong to the property but could also be an easement for other property owners. This lot has a beautiful 3 point view of the lake and is on the best side of the dike which limits lake access by lot 155.

A basement foundation approximately 20 years old remains after a fire destroyed a double wide manufactured home it once supported. Attached to the foundation is a single car garage in fair to good repair, the roof of which is a concrete slab at the same height of the foundation itself. Several long and wide cracks are scattered through 3 walls of the foundation and the back wall is significantly bowed inward, caused by water directed along the outer back wall by a concrete porch with a large underground opening.

A cistern and septic system of questionable condition are close by the foundation. There is no current electrical service or meter box to the property although at one time there must have been. Water is the same as the other lot.

Overall impression: a vastly superior lot with great views, convienent access to the lake shore and a ready made foundation in need of significant repair. Unknown septic system condition and the seriousness of foundation condition are of significant concern.

What we need to know:

1) Is foundation usable? Can cracks and bowing be repaired and be cost effective?

2) Septic system - is it ussable? Repairable?

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