Sunday, March 4, 2012

Email to Deb who's in Vancouver WA for the funeral of a family friend

Missed you a bunch but we had probably the best work day as a family team ever.  We got there by 10:30 and everyone went to work.  Mike and Nathan on the treehouse.  Jason and Andrew on the insulation, Katie and John on the master bath and I did the kitchen wall and sm bedroom ceiling.

No fighting, I didnt have to hover over everyone urging them to work or negotiating fights.  Everyone just worked on their jobs and we got a hell of a lot done. 

Insulation is almost complete - even the outside Master Bath wall.  Katie cleaned the master tub! and it looks great!.   The master bath room has been emptied out and swept and looks better than I remember.  Mike got the treehouse completed for now by filling in the other two walls and nailing in supports on the supporting posts.  i reinsforced the kitchen wall with six 2x4 studs and blocked them in then hung and taped the drywall.  We left for home before dark!

Proud of everyone but particularly Mike.  He took on the job gladly, kept at it until done and never took a break until it was done - even when others were breaking.  He helped out elsewhere as he could be and was good with Nathan - the best I have ever seen Mike. 

Love you - can't wait for you to see the Lake House.  I  even cleaned the office!


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