Monday, June 27, 2011


Nathan and I moved the four barrel rails to their corrected places on the dock and then began nailing in 85 hurricane ties and butt nailing the joists with six inch nails. After an hour or so we withdrew out of the heat and relaxed until deb arrived.

In the early evening we finished nailing in the rest of the ties. Looks like we need another 50 or so to complete the job.

There are so many ties because, partly, of the concern we have for the shock the dock will take when it is flipped. Partly also for longevity's sake; we want this to last for the next thirty years.

Nathan and I also wired in the hot water heater to the circuit breaker, flipped the switch and held our breath. After staying dormant for at least six years, the heater produced hot water! No idea how long it will work but for the first time ever we have hot water at the lake house.

Nathan went kayaking with his new paddle and Rocco. I joined them and helped pull the dog into the kayak when he became exhausted.

Here is a pic of the new subfloor in the bunk room.

And here is the latest pic of the dock. We are still trying to solve the bung/barrel plug problem (we need a bunch and don't know where to get them) and are almost ready to mount barrels to the frame.

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