Sunday, April 10, 2011


I will never take water for granted again. We have most of the plumbing installed and a temp line out to the meter and we again have a toilet that flushes.

We were supposed to have a neighbor come bury the line today but it was rescheduled. So we worked on plumbing all day. Nathan and Andrew dug under the foundation, I set up the water service and distribution lines and Nathan crawled under the house to lay the lines with help by Katie and Andrew.

The hole under the foundation. Somewhere deep inside is Nathan...

Plumbers crack...

Hero of the day who's gone where no one wants to go...

The moment of truth..turning on the water. Only one leak which was expected as I knew I had forgotten to include a ferrel on a compression fitting.

Location:Lackman Rd,Lenexa,United States

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