Saturday, October 30, 2010

What a day today. We are all exhausted. The day started off with all of us arriving about noon and Dave assessing what he still wanted us to work on...mind you that we are on his timeline which includes working like crazy trying to beat old man winter and have the holes inthe roof repaired, siding up, insulation installed in attic and walls and water up and running (and a million other things)

Anyway I decided to have Michael hand me up a piece of corrugated tin that was under the deck to put a temporary patch over the last hole in the roof when I decided that I really needed to remove the shingles...which led to another hole...which led to more shingles being removed. Long story short my 3x3 hole that Sarah and I originally made a month ago now spans more than 5 pieces of plywood and my one piece of tin will clearly not be a solution.

While up on the roof I decided that it would be a perfect opportunity to install the insulation. Katie and the little boys figured out a system in which she would position herself at the far end of the house and they would slide each row of insulation down to her and she would put it in place. Insulation is one job no one wants to do for good reason...however it needed to be done and we had put it off long enough. The system worked great and half of the house is completely done!

The other system that we worked out was having Michael heave the huge bags of insulation onto the roof and then he would heave up each piece of plywood onto the roof and Katie and I would jostle it into place and put just a couple of screws to hold it into place. Obviously this is only a tempory fix as we wanted to be able to take them off quickly to have easy access to the attic in order to put the rest of the insulation in.

I know as I kept sending photos to Dave he kept responding, "what are you doing? Are you all crazy? Do you have any sort of plan?" He is so funny. You would think he would know by now I fly by the seat of my pants with an end gaol in site but no particular way of accomplishing it. I remember my math teachers always said there was more than one solution so I tend to be the type of person tha goes with the flow and eventually fate intervenes and it all works out.

So by the end of this day which really only lasted 5 1/2 hours we managed to remove all the bad plywood and shingles on the back half of house, place half of the insulation on both sides of the attic, and replace the plywood that was removed. Part two will follow soon as I am off work Thursday -Sunday on this coming up week.

Who wants to learn how to shingle a roof with me...I promise it will be an adventure. Lets pray for good weather.

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