Monday, October 11, 2010

replacement pics

The concrete pad outside the newly installed back door.

View of the side deck after dave water proofed it. The little footprints are from John.

This is the middle bedroom which we hadn't touched until this week. The carpet, pad and ceilings were removed and now the fun part starts. I have to pull down the plastic sheeting holding the insulation and raccoon and mouse poop up. Yuck. I remember mason called it a Raccoon pinata.

A view from the water looking up to the side of our house. We added the deck and painted the siding.

Dave wanted to see how much I had filled the dumpster. I want to get our money's worth so I will cram it with more stuff.

John and I on the paddle boat ride.

The new back door we added and the first 3 panels of siding. Dont worry that we are leaving the siding around the door without the trim. Right now it is in the Fred Flintstone stages.

John with his first burn barrel.

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