Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Home Maintenance Record

Found this ap for my iPad which helps organize services/repairs needed for the lake house.

HOME: Lake house

  • Build Date: Jan 4, 1977
  • Purchase Date: Jul 4, 2010
  • Purchase Price: 12,000
  • Appraised Value: 25,000
  • Address: 1200 lakeshore ave, Odessa Missouri 64072
  • Notes:

  • ITEMS For Lake house

    Item: Bathroom window
  • Service Desc: Remove and install window
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Dave deb Window loosely installed. Needs to be secured and caulked
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Dave and deb Window removed

    Item: Bedroom demo and rebuild
  • Service Desc: Remove ceiling tiles and insulation
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Nov 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Boat ramp
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Create ramp for paddle boat
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Bunk Beds
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Ceiling
  • Service Desc: Install luan and batts
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Remove ceiling fan to reposition
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Test fitted luan. Ceiling is a go upon electrical completion
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Chose luan / batt grid.

    Item: Courtyard Walkway
  • Service Desc: Lay sand and pack flagstones or pour concrete and place flagstones in.
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Electrical
  • Service Desc: Verify all wiring, reroute around rafters as needed, fasten light boxes and add switches as needed
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Install doors over electrical panels
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Repair wiring damaged by sawzall
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Deb Wiring plan completed by deb
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Dale deb Electrical installed by Dale

    Item: Fascia and gutters
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Flooring
  • Service Desc: Removal and replacement of sub floor. Install of new flooring
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Dave Partial replacement completed
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Dave Remove all flooring and replace

    Item: Foundation supports
  • Service Desc: Main i-beam weld is breaking
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Install two outside supports on I-beam "wings" on top of concrete footings.
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Front deck
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Pergala post placement and structure install
    Maintenance Oct 4, 2010 Stain deck
    Maintenance Oct 4, 2010 Insert screws
    Install Oct 4, 2010 All Deck installed

    Item: Furnace
  • Service Desc: Obtain quote for installing furnace
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Oct 5, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Garage
  • Service Desc: Repair holes and rotted portions of siding. Remove rafter storage stuff and raccoon poop
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Garage Door
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Install missing wheels on left replace panel and reinforce both doors
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Interior walls
  • Service Desc: Repair or replace paneling in all rooms, install insulation
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Kitchen
  • Service Desc: Plan and install cabinets
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Measure, plan and procure cabinets
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Dave Planning completed, will need power and plumbing. Looking for cabinets

    Item: Landscaping
  • Service Desc: General, courtyard and lakefront
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Trim back trees, develop walk paths, repair or replace lake steps, remove trash,lumber, debris and building materials
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: New back door
  • Service Desc: Removal and install
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Other Oct 4, 2010 Complete
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Dave deb Installed door need to secure third hinge and threshold. Need also to install knob hardware
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Dave deb Removed wall covering door entrance

    Item: Paint
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 5, 2010
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Paint porch and front of house
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Maintenance Oct 5, 2010 Porch area painted one coat. Still need front house painted

    Item: Plumbing
  • Service Desc: R&R current plumbing
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Sep 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Replaced pump, obtained water tank. Replacing lines
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Install Sep 4, 2010 Dave Trace, remove and install copper cold water service

    Item: Porch deck
  • Service Desc: Replace
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 8, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Nov 4, 2011
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Completed
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Maintenance Oct 8, 2010 Any Stain deck
    Install Oct 4, 2010 All Complete

    Item: Raccoon Poop Removal
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Roof - back room
  • Service Desc: Remove and repair
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Roof partially removed. Covered with tin
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Deb Sara Partial removal of roof. Hole covered with tin

    Item: Roof - front
  • Service Desc: Ten feet of removal and replacement
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Dave Andrew Video shows damage locations

    Item: Roof - various holes (2)
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Andrew Video taped interior - id'd problem areas 1) above tub sm br 2) above sm bedroom

    Item: Septic
  • Service Desc: Obtain inspection, run fresh water dye test
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Oct 5, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Siding
  • Service Desc: Remove current siding, install sheathing, siding, fascia and gutters.
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 1, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 1 day before due
  • Notes: Working now
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 1, 2010 Deb Dave mike Katie Andrew 400 Ripped out siding partial install sheathing

    Item: Skirting
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes: Replace and repair skirting
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Steps
  • Service Desc: Replace steps leading from garage to courtyard
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date:
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes

    Item: Water line
  • Service Desc:
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date:
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Install Oct 4, 2010 Deb Flag planted need to verify electrical buried line placement before meter install

    Item: Z-Door - back
  • Service Desc: Replace with atrium door
  • Service Frequency: Due once
  • Last Service Date: Oct 4, 2010
  • Next Service Date: Oct 4, 2011
  • Warn Before Period: 10 days before due
  • Notes:
  • Service Records:
  • Service Type Service Date Serviced By Contact Phone Service Costs Notes
    Repairs Oct 4, 2010 Dave deb Removed door, replaced rotted rim joist,

    Sent from my iPad

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