Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mike's Yellow and Black Spider.

Michael R.  found this spider in the "garden" about ten feet away from the new front deck.  I didn't see it until I saw this picture taken by Michael R. but holy spiderman willies!  Not generally fond of spiders anytime, the only comfort here is that this is definately not a brown recluse....
This humongous yellow and black spider I think is non-venomous - i think..

Confirmed as non-poisonous, venemous etc.  From the Missouri  Dept of Conversation:
Range: United States and southern Canada

Habitat: Grasslands, gardens

Conservation Status:

Scientific Name: Argiope sp.

This Missouri spider can be found making beautiful orb webs with large white zig-zag lines down the center of them. Sitting head down in the web, Argiope spiders wait for katydids and grasshoppers to stop by for dinner. Grasslands and gardens seem to be the spiders' favorite places to build their webs

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