Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yesterday when we went out to the lake to bury Bailey Dave thought it would be a good idea to try and fill up a barrel so that Andrew would have water to mix up the concrete.
We have a neighbor who tol dus there was a guy would would bring water to us for $20 or we could take our barrel into town to the water department and get 22 gallons for $0.25.
Hmmm I realize that many must think I am the cheapest person in the world but I am not, I prefer to think of it as frugal. So we were off to find this red building behind Sonic. (No one goes by addresses or rweoad around here. It is lucky we know where Sonic is!)
When we arrive we see a tube jutting out of the red building and it drops down about six inches and stops. This happens to be about 10 feet above the height of our barrel and I wonder out loud how we are suppose to guide the water down into the 4 inch opening of our barrel. (I also want to add that I insisted that we cut off the barrel top because this wasn't going to work.)
Dave finds someone there who tells him that most people bring a pipe to put all the way up from their barrel to the overhead pipe. We send Nathan off to find such a pipe and Dave got it hooked up and was going to hold it in place. As you can see by the picture it didn't work so well. partly because the water comes out way to fast, the pipe was too small of a diameter to accept the water flow and oh yeah the pipe wasn't hollow all the way through! Hence Dave's explosive shower pic!!! The best part is that we had to do this 3 times before we figured it out. Dave was soaked but enjoyed his weekly bath three days early.
After this fiasco we decided to go across the stree to the car wash and fill the barrel the boring way.

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