Saturday, July 17, 2010

Danger? What danger?

For like the third time we went out to the lake house to work and afterwards, to swim.  Each time we either ran out of daylight or the weather prevented our Lake Lafayette swimming intiation.

This time, sweating like crazy, we were determined to follow through with our promises to the kids that after working on the house, we would swim.  No matter what.

Of course just as we were finishing up at the house the clouds rolled in and the rain started.  As we drove toward's the swimming beach in Deb's van the rain came down hard.  When we arrived thunder rolled overhead and the rain was so thick we could barely see the beach.  Looking at the kid's faces I could hardly say no to them and a peek at Deb's told me she was just as determined as I was.  Shedding common sense and everything we know about not swimming during lighting storms, we piled out of the van and headed towards water. 

And it was fantastic.  The water was warm, the bottom nicely sanded and if we poked our toes straight down we could feel a cold layer that quickly made the recent memory of sweat and heat dim and distant. 

Remember that scene in Forest Gump where he was sloggin through a jungle saying it rained so hard that it seemed like it was raining UP?  Same thing here - rain came down so hard that it bounced straight back up -  and so we got it both ways - up and down. 

Deb was the last to come to the beach from the van and while navigating down the muddy beach, plopped straight down on her butt and slid the last few feet on her butt.  Unfortunately, Jason made the mistake of laughing (the rest of us stayed stone-faced) and Deb lit into him like a foul mouthed drill instructor straightening out a new recruit.  I suspect that if there were fewer witnesses, Jason would have ended up on a milk carton that day.

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