Monday, July 12, 2010

Mike and Company


Thank you for taking this job on.  The combined might of you and your friends are exactly what we need at this point and I am sure you will make an enormous difference by the end of the day. 

You have asked for a list of tasks to be done and I have included them below.  I would prefer that all three of you concentrate on completing one entire room or an area until it is done and then move on to the next room or area as a group.

That being said, I have one concern; that you will bulldoze your way through,  that no regard will be shown to the objects you are destroying or throwing away.  I ask that you use good judgement when working, that if you have any doubt about the value or potential value of an object that you immediately text your mom or I.  Things we are most concerned about would be objects of obvious precious value to Susan, and various building supplies such as wood, tile and tools.  Please do your best to conserve these types of objects.  Otherwise, berserk away.

Tasks list:

1) Inside home: 
          Throw away everything you see with the exception of the kitchen cabinets and overhead lights.  Use caution when encountering wiring.  Susan's things in the kids bedroom needs to be moved to the garage.  I would stage these items out on the driveway until the garage is done.  Don't worry about the back bedroom at this stage (back bedroom means the one that is full of crap including refrigerator.

          Pull down all the ceiling tiles and remove the insulation, plastic vapor barier and feces. 

          Sweep out entire house.  Remove all debris.

2) Garage:
          Throw away everything on the floor that doesn't appear immediately useful or potentially valuable to working on the house. 
          Keep all shelving units that are in good repair.  Keep the contents on the shelving units as they are - i need to sort through them
          Don't go through the work bench.  I will sort through that.
          Keep all remaiining good doors
          Remove everything that is not good wood or has obvious value from the rafters including insulation.
          Take stove out to garage driveway - do not toss.
          Put wood flooring in your truck and take home
          Stack tiles in neat pile
          Sweep out garage.  DO NOT SWEEP THE FLOOR OUT INTO THE GRAVEL!! Sweep and pick up inside garage - use wheel barrow if needed.

3) Courtyard
          Nearly every green thing here must die.  Remove all intact windows and place in garage.  Throw away everything else EXCEPT FOR THE SEPTIC VALVE UNIT WHICH IS LAYING UNATTACHED -WE NEED IT!.  Keep anything else that might relate to the septic.  Don't forget to remove anything under the ramp or porch.

          Remove all fencing  - we are keeping the fence planks - not the posts. Stack the planks in the garage.  Put a couple of 2x4's under them to keep them off the damp concrete.

4) Under the house deck - remove everything and toss unless perceived to be valuable.  The windows stored there are VALUABLE.  do not toss - put in garage neatly please

5) Check with me if more is needed - I have a bunch of other tasks.

Final Note:  Sweeping means removing everything out of the way first.  In the garage, pull everything away from the walls and sweep out to the debris pile.   Same thing in the house.  I want everything prepped to be washed and then scrubbed down.  I can't do this if I have dirst, dust and other debris in the way.

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