Friday, July 30, 2010

An Invitation to our friends and family

Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Debbie A wrote:

Just FYI we are going out to the lake on Saturday for a work day. trying to build a deck and replace siding. These aren't horrible jobs so I thought if anyone wants to come and give a hand this would be a great opportunity to come out.

Afterwards feel free to bring your suit and go swimming down at the beach or maybe fish off the dock. We have tools but feel free to bring your own hammer, pruning items, gloves, drills whatever I am sure we will let you use whatever you want. Even if building something isn't your thing there is a ton of yardwork, and general cleaning that needs to be done.

We don't work very long with the heat so we will be out there at the crack of dawn and probably wrap up by noon. I will have snacks, plenty of water and Gatorade and sandwiches. If you want to sit you might also bring a lawn chair as we have little to sit on.

Feel free to come to by for an hour or 2 provided it isn't pouring we should be working. Please don't feel obligated in any way to do this I just thought I would offer it up since many people have commented on this project.

For those of you who want to catch up on the current status and pictures of what we are currently doing please check out Dave's blog.


I-70 east to the Odessa exit.follow the outer road east to 131 south (take a right in front of McDonalds). Go approx 6 miles past the first Lake Lafayette sign to Mt Tabor road. Take a right to LakeShore drive and we are 1200 Lakeshore Drive, . About 1/2 mile down the road off to the right. If you get lost call me.




Anyone over the age of 60 will be considered a supervisor and will only give orders and advice.

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