Friday, July 16, 2010

If there is a hell, I know it's address - 1200 Lakeshore Avenue

Deb, Mike, Katie, Andrew, Mason and I spent nearly 4 hours yesterday working on the interior during a heat advisory.   I don't know the actual tempature but I do know that just standing still made me sweat through my clothes.

We pulled down more insulation and bagged up ceiling tiles and insulation for most of the time.  Our dumpster came in during the middle of all this and we actually filled another 10 cubic yard container. 

When we left the main room was mostly clear, the backroom carpet had been pulled out and tossed, the floors swept and a few walls torn down. 

We have now removed 40 cubic yards of crap from this home on the shore.  I expect we will need to order one more just to get to the point where we can start rebuilding.  Today should be the last time Susan comes to get her things.  After going through 40 cubic yards of useless crap, I thing we are all mad at her for being such a slob.  Whatever she leaves behind this time I am either keepin' or throwing out.

No pics this time - Deb forgot to save the movie she shot. 

Special thanks to Andrew and Mason who helped a lot.  Special "Braveheart" cudo's to Mason who foolishly came back a second time.  Thanks Guys!.

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