Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dum Dum Yum Yum Memory

Noticing a dead Raccoon in the garage Deb suggests to Nathan to pick it up and throw it in the trash.  Nathan, thinking it was just a fur coat or something, picks it up and watches as it falls to pieces in front of his eyes.   Not really funny, right?  But the scream he makes causes me to chuckle and even giggle. Not a scream of fear or pain, but something between the high pitched wobbling shriek of a hyiena and the shrill soul wrenching scream of his mother when she's angry. 

Mike, Katie and I were about 30 feet away on the other side of Mike's truck when this happened.  Not knowing what was going on we stayed where we were, frozen, not knowing what the scream meant.  I start to move to Nathan when Mike and Katie, who were closest to Nathan, begin laughing.  Apparently Nathan couldn't let go of the dead coon as parts of it fell off.

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